Historical Girls' Clothing: Swedish Garments-- Sportswear

Swedish girls swim suits headwear
Figure 1.--The photo shows three Swedish girls on the way to beach in Summer 1960. It was taken in Sundsandvik, about 45 mi North of Göteborg. We can note the different choices about swimming suits.

Children until recently did not have large wardrobes unless thaey came from well-to-do families until after World War II. This was especially true of casual sport clothes. There were two exceptions here. Girls going to seconday schools would have gym uniforms. This might be a middy bloue and bloomer pants in the late-19th and early-20th century. Romper suits were popular in the inte-War era. Children also cpmmonly had swimsuits. Boys often swam without suits. We think this was less common for girls. We see several different types of swim suits. The water was a bit nippy in the Baltic. A Sweden has a short summer. Even so swimming was very populat, both at ummer camps and beches and swiming facilities near the major cities. After World War II as the economy improved chuildren began to have more extensive, modern casual wardrobes.


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Created: 3:28 AM 5/21/2019
Last updated: 3:28 AM 5/21/2019