English Wolf Cubs: Outings--Museums

Figure 1.--These Cubs on an outing to a museum. I'm not sure which museum it was. Notice the Cubs are all wearing thge same yellow nckerchiefs, showing that theuy are all from the same pack.

English Cub Scouts went on a number of trips to many different museums because they were both educational and enjoyable. Outings to museums make for greast Cub trips. London has some of the most famous museums in the world, but there are other important museums located throughout the country. Sone of the modst famous are the Victoria and Albert and the British museums, but there are many smaller museums located throughout the country. These were often essentially the same a school field trips. Some of the museum trips were associated with projects the Cubs were working on. Many were simply general interest visits. one special favorite with many English Scouts is the railroad museum. Most Cub packs were quite insistent that the Cubs be prperly outfitted in their uniforms. The Cubs wore their full uniforms with pride because they were representing their pack in public.


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Created: December 8, 2003
Last updated: December 8, 2003