English Sea Scouts: Cubs

Figure 1.--Here the 2nd Marylebone Sea Scouts outside Lord's Cricket Ground after the annual St. George's Day Parade at St. John's Wood Church. It was dated 1-5-60. We think that means May 1, 1960. The Sea Scouts brought their Cub unit along with them. Put your cursor on the image to see the rest of the troop.

Sea Scout programs vary. In most countries Sea Scouts begin after Cubs, although Sea Scout units might have an associated Cub unit. We notice several English Sea Scout units with Cubs coming a;omg for various trips and activities. The Cubs would have a choice as to join the Sea Scout unit when they were old enough or could they could jpin a srandard Scout unit if they preferred. We see that in Britain and Empire contries. We have not noted it in America. The assiociate Cubs had standard Cub programs and not a special Cub sea program. They also wore standard Cub uniforms. A reader writes. "Parades are always a great way to get out the Scouts in thier best kit. The variations in age within this group are quite apparent. The Wolf Cub with the neat white gloves, who is holding the Pack's flag, looks to be about half the height of the Sea Scout partially hidden by his Ship's flag. While the Wolf Cubs are uniform in thier appearance, all wearing long sleeve jumpers, the Sea Scouts vary in that some are wearing a short sleeve uniform in January. If you look carefully, you will notice the Boy Scout just to the right of the Wolf Cub Pack is wearing a kilt and knee socks with flashes. The Scoutmaster is wearing the standard Boy Scout uniform." This is also an example of the Scouts, in this case Sea Scouts, participatying with Cubs. Presumably there was a common sponsoring organization.


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Created: 10:49 AM 10/9/2011
Last updated: 5:43 AM 10/7/2013