Uniforms at Fifth World Boy Scout Jamboree: Dutch Contingent

Figure 1.-- The 5th World Jamboree was held at Haarlem, Holland in 1937, only 2 yers before World War II. There were no German or Italian Scouts as Scouting had been abolished in both countries. Here Basen-Powell speaks to a group. I believe the boys in the white caps were Dutch Sea Scouts.

We note what looks like a contingent of Dutch Sea Scouts marching before the veviwing stand. Basen Powell is there along with Prince Bernhard. The Scouts carry several flags along with the Dutch flag. I am not sure what the flagd represent, perhaps the flaf of the various provinces of the Netherlands. Our Dutch readers have provided us some insights here. A Futch reader writes, "They indeed are Dutch sea scouts and they are each carrying the flag of each of the 11 provinces of the Netherlands. I recognize very well the flag of Friesland. There are 11 or 12 boys in the picture, so that's just right." Another Dutch reader writes, "Most flags on this picture are difficult to make out but there is no doubt that the second one fro the left is the flag of the province of Friesland."


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Created: March 18, 2004
Last updated: Match 19, 2004