Uniforms at Fifth World Boy Scout Jamboree: Holland, 1937

Figure 1.-- The 5th World Jamboree was held at Haarlem, Holland in 1937, only 2 years before World War II. There were no German or Italian Scouts as Scouting had been abolished in both countries. Here Baden-Powell speaks to a group. I believe the boys in the white caps were Dutch Sea Scouts.

This Jamboree is remembered more particularly as the last Jamboree B.-P. was able to attend before his death in January 1941. Queen Wilhelmina opened the Jamboree and before her were assembled 27,000 Scouts from 51 countries - including 8,000 from the British Commonwealth. B.-P. was 81 when he attended the Jamboree and in his message to Scouts of the world, he said: "I ... am nearing the end of my life. Most of you are at the beginning , and I want your lives to be happy and successful. You can make them so by doing your best to carry out the Scout Law all your days, whatever your station and wherever you are ... Now goodbye. God bless you all! God bless you!" It was as though he knew he would not be able to attend another Jamboree and was giving his blessing to the Scouts of all nations. We have not yet developed details on this important Jamboree, but there is a page on Flemish Scouts at the Jamboree. The Janboree was held 2 years before Germany launched World War II. I wonder if the Hitler Youth were invited to participate. There must at leadst been some discussion about this when the Jamboree was planned.


Queen Wilhelmina opened the Jamboree and before her were assembled 27,000 Scouts from 51 countries - including 8,000 from the British Commonwealth. Some estimates are a little higher.


This Jamboree is remembered more particularly as the last Jamboree B.P. was able to attend before his death in January 1941. B.P. was 81 when he attended the Jamboree and in his message to Scouts of the world, he said On presenting the Jamboree emblem, a Jacob staff, B.P. said, "Now the time has come for me to say good-bye. I want you to lead happy lives. You know that many of us will never meet again in this world. I ... am nearing the end of my life. Most of you are at the beginning , and I want your lives to be happy and successful. You can make them so by doing your best to carry out the Scout Law all your days, whatever your station and wherever you are ... Now goodbye. God bless you all! God bless you!" It was as though he knew he would not be able to attend another Jamboree and was giving his blessing to the Scouts of all nations.


The organizers were getting better at planning for the large number of attendees. It was the cleanest Jamboree ever. There were 120 showers and 650 water taps. And there were 71 bridges over the canals that went through the site. The Arena

There were daily displays in the arena. Girl Guides (Girl Scouts) participated in the Jamboree for the first time. They used the arena to welcome Lady Baden-Powell, World Chief Guide.


We have not yet developed details on this important Jamboree, but we have some view of individual contingents.


We note what looks like a contingent of Dutch Sea Scouts marching before the veviwing stand. Basen Powell is there along with Prince Bernhard. The Scouts carry several flags along with the Dutch flag. I am not sure what the flagd represent, perhaps the flaf of the various provinces of the Netherlands. Hpefully our Dutch readers will provide more information.


his photograph shows Flemish Catholic Scouts (VVKS) at the World Scout Jamboree in 1937. "Belgium was represented by a total of one thousand boy scouts. The postcard shows the marching of the VVKS (Flemish League of Catholic Scouts)-members. This Jamboree is remembered more particularly as the last Jamboree B.-P. was able to attend before his death in January 1941. Queen Wilhelmina opened the Jamboree and before her were assembled 27,000 Scouts from 51 countries. The largest group is the Flemish Catholic Scouts--VVKS) and they are as the name suggest strongly assocauted with the Ctatholic Church.


The Janboree was held 2 years before Germany launched World War II. I wonder if the Hitler Youth were invited to participate. There must at least been some discussion about this when the Jamboree was planned. And it would certainly have been known that the NAZIs absorbed the German Scouts in the Hitler Youth movenent and banned Scouting.


We note a group of Swiss Scouts at a railroad station waiting for a train to take them to the 5th World Boy Scout Jamboree in the Netherlands. They and many other Scouts would have had to pass through NAZI Grmany where Scouting had been banned. Even so they are traveling in their Scout uniforms.


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Created: January 22, 2000
Last updated: 8:43 PM 10/22/2009