Boys' Irish Step Dancing Costume Garments: Kilts--Pleats

Figure 1.--Irish dancing kilts are not as heavily pleated as a quality Scottish kilt. HBC is not sure yet why this is. Note that the pleats begin about one-third the way down the kilt.

The kilts are also pleated. They have a unpleated pannel in front and rgen the back and sides are pleated. The number and size of the pleats vary considerably. This is one of the major signs iof a high quality kilt. The better kilts have more pleats. This means that they are more expensive because heavily pleated kilts require more material. The Irish dancing kilts HBC has seen do not appear to have been as heavily pleated as a good quality Scottis kilt. HBC is not sure why. This may be to keep the cost down. It may be that for dancing, a lighter weight kilt is preferable. The pleats usually begin about one-third the way down the kilt, but this can be adjusted. This will afffect how the kilt flares ut while dancing.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: August 4, 2000
Last updated: August 5, 2000