We have no infornation about this boy other than he is an American and his name is H. Christie. From the image he looks to have been born about 1880. While we know little about him, there are several interesting aspects to his outfit which provide insights to 1880s outfits.
We have no infornation about this boy other than he is an American and his name is H. Christie. We do not even know his name. The cabient card, unfotunately, does not even have the name of the photographer and city. He looks to be about 5 yeats old.
From the image he looks to have been born about 1880, although the late 1870s is possible. This is only an estimate based on the clothing and quality of the photograph. I also think that such long uncurled hair was less common by the 1890s as long hair in America was increasingly done in ringlets. Also the collar looks much to large for the 1870s.
The boy has long blond hair which falls down over his shoulder. It is long straight without any curling. I also think that such long uncurled hair was less common by the 1890s as long hair in America was increasingly done in ringlets. This is one reason we believe this portrait to have been taken in the 1880s.
Several items of clothing that the boy is wearing and clothing detailing are worthy of note.
Nore that the boy is holding something in his hand. We believe it may be a cap. Unfortunately we can not make out just what style of cap it is. This is interesting as it is not always clear to HBC what kind of cap or hat that boys with long hair wore.
The boy wears a very large collar that extends over his shoulder and covers much of the too of his dress. It looks to be a lace collar, but we can make out few details.
He wears a rather plain black dress, rather like a morning dress. White dresses were much more common. The major obserevable detailing is what looks to be two large florets. HBC has not noticed any portraits of boys wearing a dress quite like this one.
The long stockings for this boy are very unusual and elaborate. Note the pattern. This was very unusual. A very large proportion of the images we have seen show boys, and for that matter girls, wore plain long stockings--usually long dark stockings.
I'm not sure what type of shoes that he is wearing.
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