French Boys Coats: Manteau Baby--Age

Figure 1.--

The age at which boys have worn these garments have varied over time. The coats were originally worn by boys a girls throuhgh about age 8, ocassionally boys as old as 10. Gradually the age has declined. One 19?? advertisement for these coats listed the varioius styles in sizes from 35-50 centimters. (This is the lngth of the coats, not the height of the boy. By the 1980s, the manteau baby had become more of a pre-school style. This would be boys from age 2 to 4/5 years. The coats in 2000 were mostly available for pre-school children in luxury department stores and in the chain store Prenatal for very young children.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 14, 2001
Last updated: November 20, 2001