Dutch Boys' Garments: Sweater Styles--Pullovers

Figure 1.--This Dutch boy in a 1952 magazine wears a turtle-neck sweater with a relative small necvk. He also appears to be wearing warm corduroy trousers.

Most of the sweaters worn by Dutch boys appear to have been pullovers. Many of the images HBC has seen have had crew necks. Dutch boys have also worn turtle-neck sweaters, although the extra material for the turtle neck varied. The "V"-neck sweaters so common in England were also worn by Dutch boys, but not as commonly. Boys wore both sleeveless and sleeved "V" necks. Some "V"-necks had British school styling, that is colored trim around the neck and cuffs.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: September 11, 2001
Last updated: September 11, 2001