American Boyhood Clothes: Texas in the 1950s-60s--My Brother

My brother was 5-years older than me. He had athletic ability and played team sports. He was much more daring and "pushed the envelope" of parental tolerance more than I would. A schoolyard fight and a little more recklessness in style (I think a lot of it was macho posturing) were him, though he never broke any laws (that I know of!) He loved to tease me, practice wrestling holds on me, and exercised his ready wit frequently on me as I came of age, but I knew we'd stick together. For a while we'd go to Saturday matinees with monster films together, and he'd even let me tag along sometimes with his friends and him. Thinking back, that's pretty generous for a big brother.

Parental Wishes

I think my parents wished they could have made a composite of the two of us. They liked my brother's athletic abilities but were usually not happy with his grades or his adolescent "wit". They thought I was less of a handful, but they wished I weren't addicted to The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, and tough police shows and psychological dramas. If I'd been a shortstop on a little league baseball team, instead, I think they'd have been a little happier. Riding my bike a lot, walking/hiking and playing backyard touch football were about the extent of my athleticism.

Teen Clothing

My brother and his peers dressed like average teens: blue jeans, sweatshirts, dress shirts, always just a white T shirt in summer, usually athletic shoes, or loafers. My brother and his pals were about 15 when they started wearing white crew socks with black loafers everywhere. For some reason my mother found that beyond the pale, and one Sunday told him he was NOT going to church like that. By the time I was old enough to remember, my brother was dressing like a teen. He may have worn shorts a couple of times, I think with some football team friends, to impress girls with their physical development! I was the younger brother, and the folks thought I should dress the part!


Christopher Wagner

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Created: October 4, 2000
Last updated: October 4, 2000