British Preparatory Schools: New E-Book

Figure 1.--Here two boys at a boarding school in Scotland. There school uniform is indistinguishable from the uniforms worn at English prep schools. Scottish schools do have some destinctive uniform items, but for the most part the boys dress the same as English boys. 

HBC's first E-book was on New Zealand schools. We are now preparing a new E-book on British preparatory schools. This is a follow-up on our 1990 book Boys' Preparatory Schools. We have just begun to load the pages and images. The finish book will have more than 100 pages with necer-before published images. The images are mostly from the 1980s. They wre taken at about 100 different schools all over the United Kingdom. The book discusses prep school education as well as all aspects of prep school life. We see the children in their classrooms hard at work as well as engaged in games (sports) and playing during their free time. We also see the teachers and headmasters that make the schools such effective educatiinal institutions. The schools include both boarding and day schools. There are single gender and coed schools and schools associated with various religious groups.
