Petit Echo de la Mode Dressy Shorts Set Sewing Patterns, April 1950

Figure 1.--These two patterns were was offered in the "Petit Echo de la Mode" April 1950 issue to make different styles of dressy shorts sets. One has a frilled sailor collar and theh other has Eton styling. All the ones shown are for boys. The outfits were for boys to 7 years old. Note the white gloves.

These patterns were offered in the "Petit Echo de la Mode" April 1950 issue to make two different styles of dressy shorts set. On the same page rhere were bibfront play suits as well as toddler outfits, both baboteuses and reguar shorts set. The caption at the tops says, "Les petits s'ammsent", Meaning "the little ones are playing".

Petit Echo de la Mode

HBC is just beginning its assesment of French fashion magazines. We do not yet have detailed information on these magazines, including L'écho de la mode. We know that the magazine was published in the 1930s, but do no know when it began. We know this December, 1949 article shows that it was published in the 1940s and presumably the 1950s. We have noted an item from Le petit écho de la mode advertising dressy romper patterns for "garçons modèles". The title of the magazine was changed after World War II. A French reader reports that Le petit écho de la mode was a very popular magazine read for the average French mother. It was not a high society fashion magazine. To day this magazine still exist with the title Echo de la mode. A HBC reader reports that as a child he and his brother were used as models for this and other French fashion magazines.


Four Styles

The pattern illustration shown here could be used for four styles of toddler outfits.


The ad copy reads, "Ce shorts en toile a larges poeles piaquiers est ??? dans une bavelle à brelelles. Il se porte sue usse chemisette en ???. (6 à 7 ans: Short: 1 meetre en 50. Chemisette: 1 m 05 en 80.)" [This is the text immediately under "Les petits s'ammsent"] I believe that this is the brown short pants bib overalls pictured at left in figure 1.


The ad copy reads, "Costume en flanelle. La culotte droite se fixe sur une blouse croisée de coté garnis d'un large col et de revers festonés. (5 à 7 ans. 1m.40 en 120.) This would translate as,"Suit in flanelle. The straight-leg shorts attach to the cross blouse [?de coté garnis] finished with a broad collar and [?festonés reversed]. (5 to 7 years. 1.40 m in 120.)" This is the light blue outfit at the top left of figure 1 with a large lace-trimmed collar.


The ad copy reads, "Costume en velour dont le bolero à manches longues , porté sur une culotte droite, se complète d'une cravatte écossaise . Chemisette en rayonne . (5 à 7 ans 1 mètre en140. Chemisette: 1m.10 en 80.)" This would translate as, "Costume in velour with a bolero (short) jacket with long sleeves worn with straight-leg short pants, is supplemented by a Scottish cravatte. Rayon short-sleeved blouse. (5 to 7 years 1 meter en 140. Blouse: 1.10 m in 80.)" This is the dark blue suit at the top right of figure 1 with a large lace-trimmed collar.


The ad copy reads, "Pour garçonnet, salopette en toile resserrée par une ceinture boutonnée sur la bavette . Marinière à large col en tissu clair, retenue par un noeud. (5 à 7 ans. Salopette et marinière: 2.65 m en 80. col 0 m .35 en 80.)" This wold trnaslate as, "For small boy, overall in fabric tightened by a belt buttoned on the flap. Marine with broad clear fabric collar, retained by a [?node]. (5 to 7 years overall in navy blue: 2.65 m in 80 collar 0.35 m in 80.)" I believe that this is the long pants bib overalls pictured at the right in figure 1.

Patrons Modeles

The price of the patterns is: "Patrons-modèles auxâges indiqués. Série 30.000: Chacun 40 fr, Fco 50 fr. Séries 31.000 et 400.000, Chacun 50 fr Fco 60 fr." This would translate as, "Model patterns [?auxâges] indicated. Series 30.000: Each one 40 Fr, Fco 50 Fr. Series 31.000 and 400.000, Each one 50 Fr Fco 60 Fr."


Christopher Wagner

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Created: March 20, 2002
Last updated: March 27, 2002