Unknown French Mail Order Catalog for School Smocks (1959)

Figure 1.--Here is a 1959 catalog page for school smocks. We do not yet know in which catalog this appeared. Perhaps our French readers will know. We note several different styles for both boys and girls.

Here is a 1959 catalog page for school smocks. We do not yet know in which catalog this appeared. Perhaps our French readers will know. We note several different styles for both boys and girls. The popularity of front buttoning smocks was increasing for boys, but we still note back buttoning smocls for younger boys. There was also a side buttoning style available. We note both solid colors and checks. Some had collars or lpels. Others were collarless. Unfortunately we do not yet have the ad copy which would provide us more information about these smocks.


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Created: 2:25 PM 8/18/2005
Last updated: 2:25 PM 8/18/2005