Dutch Mail Order Catalogs with Boys Clothings: 1972

Figure 1.--This 1972 catalog illustrates short shirts, some of which buttoned at the waist and brightly colored long and short pants.

Catalogs in 1972 show boys weraing shirts without tails that buttoned at the waist. They were called shirt-jacks in America, but were not very popular. Boys wear both short and long pants--often in bright colors. The shorts tended to be cut very short. Boys mostly wore ankle socks. Kneesocks were no longer common.


Toddler Clothes


Catalogs in 1972 show boys weraing shirts without tails that buttoned at the waist. They were called shirt-jacks in America, but were not very popular. Boys wore both short and long pants--often in bright colors. The shorts tended to be cut very short. Boys mostly wore ankle socks. Kneesocks were no longer common. I'm not sure how popular these shirts were in the Netherlands.



Boys wore both short and long pants--often in bright colors. The shorts tended to be cut very short. Shorts by the 1970s had become primarily seasonal wear. Jeans had become popular for older boys, but many grade school boys still wore shorts.


Boys mostly wore ankle socks. Kneesocks were no longer common.

Hair Styles

Note the long hair styles in the illustrations. Long hair had clearly becomed quite popular during the 1970s in the Netherlands.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: March 29, 2001
Last updated: March 29, 2001