*** American sewing patterns for boys clothes -- McCalls tunic suit pattern 1908-09

American Sewing Patterns for Boys Clothings: 1908-09 McCalls Tunic Suit

Figure 1.--This pattern was published by The McCall Pattern Company. McCalls described it as a "Boy's Suit, having knickerbocker trousers." The pattern was for a boy 4 years old. We at first thought it was a Bustern Brown tunic suit, but there are sailor style detailing.

This pattern was published by The McCall Pattern Company. McCalls described it as a "Boy's Suit, having knickerbocker trousers." Minimal directions. The pattern dates circa 1908-1909. Suggested fabrics were chambray, cheviot, galatea cloth, khaki cloth, cotton crash, linene, linen, serge, and percale. The colors were cadet blue, white, navy blue, natural, tan, and pink. MThe materials required were 2-7/8 Yds. 36" fabric. The pattern was for a boy 4 years old. We at first thought it was a Bustern Brown tunic suit, but there are sailor style detailing.


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Created: October 26, 2002
Last updated: 9:58 PM 1/18/2005