Italian School Smocks: Suppliers

Figure 1.--These two boys in 2001 model two dark blue school smocks. One is sode buttoning. I'm not sure about the other. Note they are worn with large almost Eton style collars.

HBC has little information on Italian companies that made school smocks. Presumably they were quite a number of them. Pergaos the government set standards. While smocks are not a pervasive as they once were they are still worn in Italy unlike other coubtries such as Belgium and France where they have virtually disappeared. HBC knows of at least one Italian company which still makes school smocks.

Punto e Virgola

Punto e Virgolais a firm specialized in the planning and manufactoring of smocks for Nursery School and Primary School. The search for the best materials together with precise finishing touches, particular embroideries and use of fittings, makes lasting the article and at the same time it becomes very beautiful to see and above all to wear. Punto e Virgola assures competition of costs and exclusives contracts for the areas that are still free. HBC provides the text in other languages for our foreign readers as well as providing English readers some useful clothing terms in different languages.
Italian: Punto e Virgola è un'azienda specializzata nella progettazione e realizzazione di grembiuli per le scuole materne ed elementari. La ricerca dei migliori tessuti, accompagnata da finiture accurate, ricami particolari e applicazione di accessori, rende il capo duraturo e, nello stesso tempo, molto bello da vedere ma soprattutto da indossare. Punto e Virgola assicura una competività sui costi e contratti esclusivi per le zone ancora libere.
French: Punto e Virgola est une entreprise spécialisée dans le project et la realisation des tabliers pour les eécoles maternelles et primaires La recherche des étoffes meilleures, aussi bien que des parachévements soignés, des broderies particuliéres et des ornements appliques, tout cela rend le tablier d'écolier durable et, au même temps, il est beau à voir et surtout à mettre. Punto e Virgola assure des prix compétitifs et des contrats exclusifs pour les zones qui sont encore libres.
German: Punto e Virgola ist eine Firma, die in der Planung und Herstellung von Kittelschürzen für Kindergärten und Grundschulen specialisiert ist. Die Suche nach den besten Stoffen zusammen mit dem akkuraten Finish, besonderen Stickereien und Gebrauch von Zubehören, macht das Kleidungsstü ck dauerhaft und gleichreitig, sehr schön zu sehen und vor allem anzuhaben. Punto e Virgola sichert einen Wettbewerb in den Kosten und exclusive Verträge für die Zonen, die noch frei sind.

Other Suppliers

No information on other suppliers available at this time.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: May 22, 2001
Last updated: May 22, 2001