Hungarian Smocks

Figure 1.--While HBC has little information on the extent to which smocks were worn in Hungary, we do know that beginning in the 1960s that they were worn as a kind of school uniform.

HBC at this time has little information about Hungarian boys wearing smocks. We do not know to what extent the smock was worn in Hungary. We do have some information about smocks use as school uniforms beginning in the 1960s when the government mandated them as a kind of school uniform. This continued through the 1990s for boys including older boys in secondary school.


HBC has virtually no chrnological information on the popularity of smocks in Hungary, other that that they were introduced in 1960 for a jind of school uniform. We do not know, however, if boys wore them earlier. This was especially common in the early 20th century. We do not know if Hungarian mothers in the early 20th century also dressed boys in smocks.


HBC at this time has little information about Hungarian boys wearing smocks. We do not know to what extent the smock was worn in Hungary. There are countries in Europe where they were worn by boys other than just school uniforms. At this time we just do not kniow what the situation was in Hungary.

School Smocks

We do have some information about smocks use as school uniforms beginning in the 1960s when the government mandated them as a kind of school uniform. This continued through the 1990s for boys including older boys in secondary school.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 28, 2001
Last updated: April 28, 2001