Latvian Youth Group Uniforms

Figure 1.--We do not yet have much information about the Latvian youth movement. Until World War I, Latvia was part of the Russian Empire. After the War Latvia along with the other Baltic states achieved its independence. We know that there was an active Scout movement. Here we see a Latvian Scout in 1930 with a school friend. He appears to be wearing a school cap. Put your cursor on the imasge to see the back of the card which may have the name of the boys.

We do not yet have much information about the Latvian youth movement. Until World War I, Latvia was part of the Russian Empire. After the War Latvia along with the other Baltic states achieved its independence. We know that there was an active Scout movement. We do not know if any other youth movements were popular in Latvia during the inter-War era. The NAZI-Soviet Non-Agression Pact divided Eastern Europe into zones of infuence (1939). The Soviets after the beginning of World war II incorporated Latvia as a Soviet Reoublic (1940). The Soviets supressed Scouting. Soon afterward the NAZIs invaded and occupied the country (1941). I do not think the NAZI authorities launched a Latvian youth movement, but have few details at this time. The Soviets after reoccupying the country (1944) founded the Young Pioneer movement. This was a Soviet youth movement and not a specifically Latvian movement. Many Russians moved to Latvia during the Soviet era. As in the rest of the Sovier Union, the Young Pioneeer movement disappeared after the disolution of the Soviet Union and the ending of government support and subsidies. The Scoting movement after Latvia achieved its independence has been revived.

Boy Scouts

We do not yet have much information about the Latvian youth movement. Until World War I, Latvia was part of the Russian Empire. The Scouting movement was founded just before World War I (1912). After the War Latvia along with the other Baltic states achieved its independence. We know that there was an active Scout movement. We do not know if any other youth movements were popular in Latvia during the inter-War era. The NAZI-Soviet Non-Agression Pact divided Eastern Europe into zones of infuence (1939). The Soviets after the beginning of World war II incorporated Latvia as a Soviet Republic (1940). The Soviets supressed Scouting. The Scoting movement after the disolution of the Soviet Union and Latvia achieved its independence has been revived.

Nationalist Groups

We do not know if any Nationalist youth groups were active in Latvia during the inter-War era. Soon afterward the NAZIs invaded and occupied the country (1941). I do not think the NAZI authorities launched a Latvian youth movement, but have few details at this time.

Young Pioneers

The Soviets after reoccupying the country (1944) founded the Young Pioneer movement. This was a Soviet youth movement and not a specifically Latvian movement. Many Russians moved to Latvia during the Soviet era. As in the rest of the Sovier Union, the Young Pioneeer movement disappeared after the disolution of the Soviet Union and the ending of government support and subsidies.


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Created: 2:16 AM 2/8/2007
Last updated: 2:16 AM 2/8/2007