Unidentified German Youth Groups: Figure 4--Unknown Group

Figure 1.-- Here we see a group of teenages on an outing, we think in the early 1950s. The boys are waiting for a train at a station platform. A reader tells us, "These boys obviously are at a railroad station. The sign says: ...üdliche Unterführung. That means: "south(ern) underpass". The s of südliche is not visible." We do not know where the snap shot was taken. We think it might be East Germany, but are not sure. Some signs are visible, but they provide no informationn as to the location. They do not wear elaborate uniforms. But two bys have the same jackets with a triangular sleeve insignia. We assume that identifies the group. We have, however, no idea what group this is.

Here we see a group of teenages on an outing, we think in the early 1950s. The boys are waiting for a train at a station platform. A reader tells us, "These boys obviously are at a railroad station. The sign says: ...üdliche Unterführung. That means: "south(ern) underpass". The s of südliche is not visible." We do not know where the snap shot was taken. We think it might be East Germany, but are not sure. Some signs are visible, but they provide no informationn as to the location. They do not wear elaborate uniforms. But two bys have the same jackets with a triangular sleeve insignia. We assume that identifies the group. We have, however, no idea what group this is.


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Created: 5:38 AM 2/7/2009
Last updated: 5:03 PM 6/20/2009