Boys Clubs: Clothing

Figure 1.--Here we see a group of the Wshington, D.C. Boys' Club members visiting the White House in 1925. Th boys are all wearing knickers suits.

The Boys' Clubs was a rare youth group that never adopted uniform for the boys. It was founded decades before the Boy Scouts which firmly set the conventiin of uniform, in part because of the military background of is founder and the uniform of its parent oganization--the Boys Brigade. The BC members just wore their ordinary clothing. The boy do not seem to have dressed up or down for the BC. This convention has remained unchange after now more than a century and a half. What has varied of course are the fashions boys wore over time to the club's and BC events. They represent another look at at popular contemporary styles and fashion conventions. We see all the period fashion fads, perhaps even more strongly than at school as the BC did not have dress codes and mothers were less concerned about how the boys dressed than when they went to school.


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Created: 5:20 PM 11/6/2010
Last updated: 5:20 PM 11/6/2010