Boys Brigade Uniform Garments: Belts

Figure 1.--This Brigader wears a uniform cap and belt. Note the belt buckle. He seems to be wearing a white canvass shoulder harness rather than a leather shoulder strap. Notice the belt pouch. He seems to be wearing these items with his best suit. The portrait is undated, but note the rifle. It may have been taken during Wold War I (1914-18).

We note Brigaders commonly wearing white belts, often with shoulder straps. Many boys had belts with destintive Boys' Brigade belt buckles. Some boys seemed to have worn sashes looking like belts with shoulder straps. Sometimes these were white leather belts. We note that some boys wore dark leather belts with white canvas shoulder straps. Other look mote like sashes. We also note some boys will what look like pouches, usually white. This continued until well after World War II. We do not have sufficient information or images yet to develop more precise time-line details.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: July 8, 2002
Last updated: July 8, 2002