Belgium Vlaamse Nationale Jeugd (VNJ e.V.) Youth Uniforms: Age Structure

Figure 1.--The VNJ does not appear to have different uniforms for boys of different ages. The different age groups, hoever, do appear to be organized in separate age groupings.

There does not seem to be any differeing groups for boys of different ages as all the boys appear to wear the same basic uniform. There are not destinctibe age-based levels like in Scouting (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Rovers, ect.). All of the boys appear to wear the same basic uniform. The VNJ tells us, however, that within the local groups, there does exist a differentiation between the ages. On their uniforms the children have a particular color on their sholders indicating their age group. The relatively small size of the VNJ is presumably a factor here. The memnbers are, however, organized into age groups because a different program for the different age levels. There is age grouping even though there are no important uniform differences. The VNJ has a different program for the different age levels. The age groupings are apparent in parades where different age groups are formed up separately. We also note that some of the youngr boys do not have complete uniforms. One group of young boys appear in simple grey sweatshirts rathar than shirts. Some younger boys do not wear complete uniforms. While there does not appear to be differing uniforms, we do note that different age groups appear to line up and march in separate groups.


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Created: June 9, 2000
Last updated: 6:46 PM 6/26/2004