Hitler Youth Activities: Hiking--Uniforms

Figure 1.--Here we see a HJ uniit after a hike. They seem to be in some kind of park. Notice their packs all lined up behind them. And there are some kind of trailers in background. I am not sure if the trailers belong to the HJ unit, but it could contain their equipment. Notice that even after their hike that they are all uniformed. Also notice that they are not wearing black shorts. That could be because this was a Scout orother youth group absorbed into the HJ.

Available images suggest that the boys always dressed up in their uniforms for these outings. There may have even been an inspection before they started out, although I do not yet have details. We do not that during and even at the end of these hikes, the boys were almost always well uniformed. We never see boys wearing civilian clothes or even opart of the uniform. There were some uniform choices. There were seasonal uniforms. Some of the older boys wore long pants. There were jackets, but no sweaters. But in the available images, as far as we can tell, the choices very commonly were made at the group level. There seems to have been very little individual choice permitted. We note that even after a long hike on a warm day, the boys are still well uniformed.


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Created: 6:18 PM 2/4/2011
Last updated: 6:18 PM 2/4/2011