Deutsche Jungvolk: Winter Uniform Cap

Figure 1.--This boy weras the destinctive ski-type winter cap. Notice the diamond shaped Hitler Youth pin with the swastica. The same pin was worn on the brown summer cap.

The cap was a distinctive dark blue ski-type cap, matching the winter jacket. It was completely dfferent than the summer cap. I don't think it had ear flaps, at least I have never noted the boys wearing them down. The cap was worn with the same diamond shaped Hitler Youth pin that was worn in the brown summer cap. The cap is similar to what German readers have described to us as a Schirmmütze. I have no idea how to translate it. A HBC reader reports, "I used to wear a blue Schirmmütze. I noticed an image of a boy wearing one on the long stocking page. My Schirmmütze was bought for me, because I liked the "Michel aus Lönneberga" (Swedish: Emil) books by Astrid Lindgren so much. My parents used to read the books to me and the main character wearing a Schirmmütze is pictured in them. I decided I wanted to wear one of them. You could open its sidewings. I wore it during the winter." These caps were popular after the War into the 1950s.


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Created: February 15, 2003
Last updated: February 15, 2003