Deutsche Jungvolk: Winter Uniform Jacket

Figure 1.--Most of the boys in this DJ unit turned out in their winter jackets, although we seee one who did not. The older boy in long pants is probably a Hitler Jouth boy. Notice that he is also the only boy with a leather shoulder belt. I'm not sure how to date this image, I would guess 1935-39.

The winter uniform consisted of either a dark blue tunic or the dark blue blouse with large collar. Some images show boys wearing both uniforms, so HBU is not quite sure about who decided what was to be worn and when. This may have varied over time. In many images, some boys do not wear the winter jacket. This may have been because it was a warm day and some boys did not think the winter jacket was needed. Perhaps some parts did not buy the winter jacket for their boys. Presumably the group leader would have announced the appropriate uniform. The fact that many boys showed up without the jacket, suggests that they were not sharply reprimanded, although this probbaly varied from group to group. For photographs, the boys in the proper uniform are always put in the front row. These jackets were not all that heavy. We're not sure how the boys dressed on really cold days or if outseide activities were suspended when it was really cold.


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Created: February 15, 2003
Last updated: February 15, 2003