Deutsche Jungvolk: Winter Uniform Socks

Figure 1.--Most of the boys in this DJ unit turned out in their winter jackets, although we seee one who did not. The older boy in long pants is probably a Hitler Youth boy. Notice that he is also the only boy with a leather shoulder belt. I'm not sure how to date this image, I would guess 1935-39.

The boys that wore short pants with the winter uniform usually wore grey kneesocks. Some boys wore ankle socks, but the kneesocks were more common. Often theyy were not pulled up to the knee. Many images show boys with socks that do not look long emough to be pulled up the the knee, even if not cuffed over like turn-over-top socks. White kneesocks were also worn, but this appears to have been a dressy style for formal occasions. DJ boys did not wear long stockings, even in the winter. There may have been some exceptions here in rural areas, but basically the Hitler Youth did not approve of long ober the knee stockings. It is quite rare to see DJ boys wearing them even in the coldest of weather conditions.


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Created: February 15, 2003
Last updated: February 15, 2003