Hitler Youth Uniforms: Neckerchief Usage

Figure 1.--Here we see a rare image of DJ boys without their neckerchiefs. Notice that all of the boys have taken them off--clearly on the instructions of theuir leader. We assume it was a hot summer day.

Almost all images we have found of the boys show them wearing the neckerchiefs. And almost never do we see a unit with some boys wearing the neckerchief nd others without them. Only rarely do we see the boys without them. We see only occassional images of the boys without the neckerchief. We think this may because their leaders told them to take the neckerchiefs off in hot summer weather, although the shirts were often not buttoned when wearing the neckerchiefs. Apparently HJ leades thought it was important that the boys wear their uniforms smartly and with the same items.


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Created: 6:50 PM 11/3/2004
Last updated: 3:14 AM 6/1/2009