Hitler Youth Uniforms: Eagle Patch

Figure 1.--These older HJ boys are attending the 1940 NAZI Party Rally in Nuremberg. Note the eagle patches. I'm not sure what these patches signified. This is a scene from the NAZI propaganda film, "Der Mascht zum Führer".

We notice some older HJ boys wearing shield-shaped patches with a rampant eagle on a black field. The eagle of course was employed on many NAZI emblems. There appears to be some writing under the eagle, but we can not make it out. It was worn on the right sleeve. This was not a very common patch. We see very few boys wearing it. We do not yet know what this match signiied. A HJ expert tells us, "The eagle patch on the sleeve are standard bearer patches (the boys who carry the flag)." [Crawford] I am not sure just how the boys were selected for this honor. Nor do I know if DJ boys were awarded similar patches.


Crawford, Chris. E-mail, June 16, 2005.


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Created: 11:40 PM 6/15/2005
Last updated: 1:45 AM 6/16/2005