German Young Pioneer Activities: Excursions

Figure 1.-- We have found countless images of HJ boys and girls taking group excursions. They took trains and then hiked. There were bicycle excursions. They were able to stay in hostels. Some of these trips mean that they were away for a week or more. They visited both natural features as well as cities and historical monuments. Here is a good example. We have found no images like this for the Young Pioneers.

We have found countless images of HJ boys and girls taking group excursions. They took trains and then hiked. There were bicycle excursions. They were able to stay in hostels. Some of these trips mean that they were away for a week or more. They vsited both natural features as well as cities and historical monuments. For many of the children involved, it was their first trip away from the families. We do not see similar Pioneer images. We do not know that they did not take place, but we have yet to find evidence of this in the photographic record. Another factor here is that these HJ excursions commonly were with youth, but not adult leadership. Some of the shorter DJ (HJ Cub unit) trips might have adults involved, but not the HJ trips. And even the DJ trips were often superbosed by older youth leades. We think that most Pioneer activities were organizedand supervised by adult leaders. We wouldlike input from formr Pioneers about thi, but this is our initial impression.


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Created: 7:43 AM 6/19/2016
Last updated: 7:44 AM 6/19/2016