Zimbabwe Boy Scout Uniforms

Figure 1.-- Hre we see two Zimbabwe Scouts on a trip to Switzerland in 1979. The unifom looks similar to the South African ubniform.

Zimbabwe Scouting began in Bulawayo in the 1930s and is still active there. Zimbabwe was known at the time as Southern Rhodesia and was a British colony. We do not yet have information on the rest of Zimbabwe. Most of the early Scouting photographs that we have found show mostly white boys. We are unsure to what extent the movement was integrated. We do begin to see substanbtiakl numbers of black Scouts in the 1970s. We are unsure about earlier periods. This suggests that Scouting was mostly a movement involving white boys. It may also mean that white Scouts have preserved their mementos better and are more sctive in the internet. Hopefully readers can provide more information here. Zimbanwe Scouts have bben involved in a range of activities. For the most part these have been the traditional Scouting activities. We note Rohodesian/Zimbanwe Scouts participating in a variety of international events, including jamborees and other Scout events.


Zimbanwe Scouting began in Bulawayo in the 1930s and is still active there. Zimbabwe was known at the time as Southern Rhodesia and was a British colony. We do not yet have information on the rest of Zimbabwe.


Most of the early Scouting photographs that we have found show mostly white boys. We are unsure to what extent the movement was integrated. We do begin to see substanbtiakl numbers of black Scouts in the 1970s. We are unsure about earlier periods. This suggests that Scouting was mostly a movement involving white boys. It may also mean that white Scouts have preserved their mementos better and are more sctive in the internet. Hopefully readers can provide more information here.


Zimbanwe Scouts have bben involved in a range of activities. For the most part these have been the traditional Scouting activities. We note Rohodesian/Zimbanwe Scouts participating in a variety of international events, including jamborees and other Scout events.


Zimbabwe Scouts for many years wore the tan uniform seen here. It looks similar to the South African uniform worn at the same time. The Scouits wore matching tan shirts and shorts with the traditional wide-brimmed hat. Notice the destinctive hat bands. These Scouts wear a white and green neckerchief. I'm not sure if this is a unit or national neckerchief. We note Scouts in the 1990s wear a dark olive green uniform. I'm not sure when this uniform change was made.


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Created: 3:04 AM 1/26/2005
Last updated: 3:04 AM 1/26/2005