Argentine Scouting: Associations

Figure 1.--Here we see Argentine Scouts and one Cub at a ceremony in the early 1970s. This was a ceremopny conducted by the Catholic USCA association.

There was, as in Britain, only one Scout association in Argentina (INSA) for many years. Catholic Scouts formed their own sparte association--USCA (1937). We are not sure why Catholic Scouts decided to form a separate association at this time. This was quite common in Europe. The two associations (INSA and USCA) decided to merge (1996). The combined association is called the Scouts of Argentina. There are also several small associations, including the Asociación Argentina de Scouts de Baden Powell (affiliated with the Baden-Powell Scouts and the World Federation of Independent Scouts) and the Sociedad Argentina de Boy Scouts Independientes (affiliated to the World Federation of Independent Scouts). There are also Scouts in exile groups. The Polish Scouts in exile has ceased operations since the fall of Communism, but the Russian Scouts in exile continue to operate.


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Created: 4:33 AM 2/26/2009
Last updated: 4:33 AM 2/26/2009