English Wolf Cubs: Specific Activities--Cooking

Figure 1.-- Here we see Cubs building ovens, I think solar ovens. .

An important adjunct to camping is of course cooking. And it something the boys are interested in, esoecially if there is atasty payoff. For Cubs, especially the younger boys, camp cooking has to fairly simple. And safty considerations are important. Much of the training can be done at pack meetings before the boys actuaslly go camping. Boys Cub age can be charmingly cheeky. One Cub group writes about cooking, "They try to teach us cooking, and other things as well, They say it is important, to learn things for ourselves, But if we're feeling hungry, that isn't what we want, 'Cos we know how to track down A McDonald's restaurant ...." In addition to cooking itself, the Cubs learn how to set up the cooking site. And we see the boys learming to make ovens.


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Created: 1:57 AM 6/26/2009
Last updated: 1:57 AM 6/26/2009