English Wolf Cubs: Meetings--The Grand Howl

Figure 1.--These Cub scouts from London are crouching down during the Grand Howl ceremony which opens and closes Cub scout meetings around the world. America seems to be an exception. I don't recall the Grand Howl when I was a Cub.

Every English Cub meeting starts and ends with the famous "Grand Howl". This is a common tradition shared throughout the Commonwealth as in many other countries with Cub programs. America is an exception. The Grand Howl is basically the same around the world, but there are minor differences from pack to pack. It is aay to get the Cubs to settel down to begin the meeting and a way for the boys to renew their promise to do their best. As the boys arrive at their pack meeting they will normslly chat with their friends and play around until everyone has arrived. Their leader, always known as "Akela" (pronoucned Akayla) will call, "Pack! Pack! Pack!" This is the signal that the meeting has begun. The boys then yell "Pack!" and quickly form a circle. Once the boys have formed a circle, Akela moves into the middle and says "Pack alert". The cubs then all stand to attention, know as the alert position holding their hands at the side. Akela then streches out his arms, then lowers them. The cubs then crouch to the ground with their hands between their legs touching the floor and say together in a loud voice: "Akela. We will do our best" Then one Cub, the Duty Sixer, on his own says. "Cubs. Do your best". The rest of the cubs then say again, louder: "We WILL do our best." Akela then says "Stand up and face the flag". The cubs all then look at their national flag and salute with the Scout salute it as it is raised. (At the end of the evening, it is of course lowered.)


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Created: 11:48 PM 4/20/2009
Last updated: 11:48 PM 4/20/2009