English Wolf Cub Uniforms: The 1960s--Glimpses

Figure 1.--I have attached picture of the boys in my Sub Scout pack in 1966 dressed in their uniforms. From your remarks, it could be that the colours have not travelled well, so I will explain. Both boys wear the traditional uniform, but with some differences. Notice the red wolf on his cap. Click on the image to see another Cub in the Pack.

An English reader has provided us a glimse of English Cubbing in the 1960s. "I was a leader in the Cub section of the Scout movement for some 22 years. The boy depicted was a member of the pack that I ran for 12 years between 1956-68. The black socks with green rings were quite common at this time when it was the custom to have quite a wide variety of uniforms based upon one general theme. In 1966 it was decided that all Cubs in the U.K. would wear grey socks and shorts. I have attached picture of the boys in my Sub Scout pack in 1966 dressed in their uniforms. From your remarks, it could be that the colours have not travelled well, so I will explain. Anthony, the boy in the first picture, is wearing a the traditional green Cub peaked cap with gold piping, green jersey, blue corduroy shorts & black socks with green rings. Peter is wearing cap and jersey as per Anthony, but has grey shorts and socks, you will also note that I have referred to him as a Cub Scout, for in 1966 the cubs in the UK adopted the American nomenclature. These boys belonged to a Scout Group named 1st Bagshot which was one of the first Scout groups to be formed. Bagshot is a village 30 miles SW of London on the road to Exeter and was the first overnight stop for horse drawn coaches. Queen Victoria's youngest son, Arthur, Duke of Connaught, lived at Bagshot and was the then president of the Boy Scouts Association, so, until his death during World War II (1942), the 1st Bagshot Scout Group was known as Duke of Connaught's Own and had part of Bagshot Park dedicated to they're activities. Anthony is wearing the uniform chosen when Cubs were first introduced to the group and which they wore until the chnges in 1966. Before 1966 there was quite a variety of colours that cubs could adopt for they're uniforms. It was quite common for cubs attached to Sea Scout Groups to wear uniforms that were completely navy blue, and also, cubs attached to the few Air Scout groups that existed tended to be dressed in grey jerseys."


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Created: June 11, 2004
Last updated: June 11, 2004