English Wolf Cub Footwear: Shoes

Figure 1.--The Cub here is wearing Doc Marten low-cut shoe. Note that he is has worn the tred down to a flat surface on part od the sole.

Cubs were were also allowed to wear shoes. Either brown or black were permisable. There was never an official Cub shoe. Boys simply wore the shoes worn to school and styles thus varied over time. We note boys wearing a wide variety of leather shoes. One style were Doc Martens low-cut shoes, but not the boots. Some of the boys may have wanted to wear the boots, but Akela probably would not have permitted it. Doc Martens shoes were a populr school style in the 1970s and 80s, although most schools prohibited boys from wearing the boots to school.


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Created: 12:43 AM 6/13/2005
Last updated: 12:43 AM 6/13/2005