French Boy Scout Uniforms: Guides et Scouts d'Europe (GSE)--Scout Uniforms

Figure 1.--These GSE Scouts about 2000 wear the full uniform, but now rarely wear kneesocks or berets.

The French GSE Scouts wear berets, tan shirts, black or navy blue short pants, and kneesocks. The shirts appear to be long sleeved shirts that are rolled up in the summer. Many of the boys wear cord shorts. Kneesocks appear to have declined in popularity during the late 1990s. In the 1990s the beret appears to have declined in popuarity as fewer boys are seen wearing it. I'm not sure if the formal uniformmhas changed or if the enforcent of the regulations is just not strict.Unlike many Scout groups, however, GSE Scouts jhave continued wearing a formal uniform in the 1990s and 2000s.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 15, 1998
Last updated: June 8, 2001