Japanese Boy Scout Uniform Chronology: The 2000s

Figure 1.--Here we see a a group of Tokyo Scouts I think in 2005. I am not sure what they are doing. We see the Beaver-like group, the Cubs, and Scouts.

We do not yet have any information on Scouting developments during the 2000s. We do have some information on the uniform. Japanese Scouts in the 2000s had uniforms that looked quite similar to the 1990s. The younger group comparable to American Beavers wore light blue caps, brown vests with blue pockets brown shorts and light-blue kneesocks. The Cubs wore peaked caps, matching dark blue shirts and shorts and dark blue kneesocks. The Scouts wore green berets, tan shirts, and khaki long pants. The girls wore the same uniforms with skirts.


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Created: 2:47 PM 11/16/2005
Last updated: 2:47 PM 11/16/2005