* Turkish boy scouts Turkey Sea Scouts

Turkish Boy Scouts: Sea Scouts

Figure 1.--Herewe see a Turkish Sea Cub, we think in the late 1950s. We can tell by the shoilder patch that je is from Istambul. Interesting that the badge is in English. We also notice the number 6. Does that mean that there were 6 groups.

There is a Sea Scout Program in Turkey, although we gave only been able to find very little information anout it. We notice some publicationsm but nothing about the actual program. And we have found a portrait of a Turkish Sea Scout. It is undated, but looks like the 1950s to us. We suspect that there is information available in Sea Scoiting in Turkey, but mostly in Turkish and thus does not show up in English on the internet.


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Created: 10:45 AM 7/15/2020
Last updated: 10:45 AM 7/15/2020