Dutch Scouting: Activities

Figure 1.--Hwre Dutch Scouts in 1926 are engaging in wide games. Many Scouts especially enjoyed the games.

Dutch Boy Scouts engage in all the basic activities that Scouts are so well known for around the world. We note Scouts involved in tradition activities like archery, band, camping, community service, cooking, first aid, games, hiking, knot tieing, orientiering, signaling, swimming, and much more. Given the Netherlands gepgrraphic loction along the North Sea coast and the country's maritime traditiins, activities like boating and sailing tend to be more important than with Scouting in many other countries. Sea Scouting is especially important in the Netherlands. These activities have varied over time. And modern Scouts have updated the program with many new activities.


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Created: 9:32 PM 8/29/2008
Last updated: 9:32 PM 8/29/2008