Australian Boy Scout Uniforms: Cub Garments

Figure 1.--We are not sure when the photograph of this Cub was taken, but would guess the 1980s. He wears a uniform virtually identical to the Scouts, for the peaked Cub cap.

We believe that initially Australian Cubs had a destinctive uniform based in the British Cub uniform, but we do not yet have details on historical Cub uniform garments. This would mean a green jumper rather than a shirt. Cubs did continue to wear the tradition English peaked green and yellow caps even after other elements of the traditional uniform were discarded. There are now only minor differences among the different levels of Scouting. Australia Scout garments are somewhat unsual in that Cubs and Scouts, except for the headwear, wore the same basic uniform. The shirt and shorts that the Cub here wears are the same as the Scout shirt and shorts (figure 1). The neckerchief and kneesocks also look identical. I believe that in recent years the Australian Cubs have dropped the traditional Cub peaked cap and the Scout and Cub uniforms are now identical. Hopefully our Australian readers will provide us some details here.


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Created: 8:30 PM 6/17/2004
Last updated: 8:30 PM 6/17/2004