Russian Boy Scout Movement: Modern Russia

Figure 1.--Here we see modern Russian Scouts. The uniformed Scouts wears a blacl bere, tan short, orange neckerchief, and tan short pants. I'm not sure the tan shorts are an official part of the uniform. The photograph was taken about 2004.

We do not know much about Scouting in post-Communist Russia. As far as we can tell, it is a realitively small movement. A Russian reader writes, "On your site completely there is no information about contemporary orzganizatsiyakh of scouts in modern Russia. Skautskoye movement existed in Russiuntil the October revolution of 1917 and at present it revives. In the application as an example is photograph of one skautskogo force in Ekaterinburg - as you see in them there is your form typical for all skautskikh organizations" Indeed we have virtually no information on Scouting in Russia and would welcome any information that Russian Scouters can provide us about the movement. Here we see modern Russian Scouts. The uniformed Scouts wears a blacl bere, tan short, orange neckerchief, and tan short pants. I'm not sure the tan shorts are an official part of the uniform. We see other Russian Scouts wearing mostly blue shorts. The photograph was taken about 2004.


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Created: 7:47 PM 4/16/2005
Last updated: 11:43 PM 4/29/2005