Russian Boy Scout Movement: Scouting Associations

Figure 1.--These Scouts are from the skautskogo force (troop) in the south of Russia, at the edge of Krasnodar. The photographs were taken in 2005. Note the orange neckerchiefs. I'm not sure what the orage represents.

We have only limited information about Russian Scout associations at this time. We are unsure about the original Scout organization in the years before the Russian Revolution. Scouting was banned after the creation of the Young Pioneers. Membership in the Scouts during the Great Terror was dangersos, even earlier participation. Scouting disappeared in the Soviet Union for several decadeds. Thre are also Russian emigre Scout groups in several other countries. After the disolution of the Soviet Union, scouting was revived. As far as we know there is only one Russian Scout association.-- the Federation of Scouts of Russia (FSR).

Skautskoye Movement

I think early Russian Scouting was called the Skautskoye movement, but I am unsure about that.


Russian Scouting was preserved in exile communities around thev world. The National Organisation of Russian Scouts (N.O.R.S.) carried on traditions of Russian Scouting from its foundation in 1909, through its exile from Russia, and to the present day. Russian Scouting remained active for 85 years and that the rebirth of Scouting in Russia is another phase in a long tradition.

Soviet Era

Scouting was banned after the creation of the Young Pioneers. Membership in the Scouts during the Great Terror was dangersos, even earlier participation. Scouting disappeared in the Soviet Union for several decadeds.


It took 65 years for the movement to root again amid the reforms of former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. The passage of a law allowing the formation of nonpolitical groups paved the way for the rebirth of Scouting, which is coed in Russia. When political changes in Russia made scouting there again possible, the FSR was in the forefront of the attempts to return scouting to Russia. Russian scout leaders from the United States arrived in Russia at the very beginning of the "perestroika" years and began to present an almost continuous series of lectures and courses on scouting methodology, history and ideology. The lectures and courses were open to all, and many of the current leaders of Russian scouting who do not formally belong to our organization began their scouting careers after going through our training.


The disolution of the Soviet Union opened the way for Scouting in Russia. Scouting began to re-emerge in Russia in 1991, with various factions competing for recognition. Some former Pioneer leaders and civilians who wished to form scout groups for whatever reasons (hopefully scouting ideals) belong to the FSR. Church influence can be seen in the Orthodox Scouts who received assistance from National Organisation of Russian Scouts in France and Australia. There is also ORUR, an emigre group which came into being in 1946. They have now moved their headquarters from New York to Moscow and are negotiating with the the Federation of Scouts of Russia (FSR).

Relationship with Exile Groups

Because the World Organization of the Scout Movement historically had difficulty in accepting scouts who reside outside their native countries (even though many such exist, as for instance among Americans living abroad), the FSR decided in 1996 to separate into two completely autonomous but still fraternal parts--abroad and within Russia proper. This separation was formally accomplished in March of 1997. The FSR continues to support efforts to unify all of the existing Russian scouting groups under one associative umbrella, so that Russian scouting can return to its rightful place within the world scouting movement.

Post Soviet Scouting

Scouting had been prohibited under Communism. The fall of Communism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union (1992) made it possivle to revive Scouting. We have noted Scout units in modern Russia, but do not know much at this time about the movement. Scout troops appearing to be operating in several Russian cities. We do not at this time know a great deal about the strength of the movement. I assume that the various Scout troops are members of the FSR, but have few details at this time.We also do not know how it will be affected by the ongoing political changes in Russia. These Scouts are from the skautskogo force (troop) in the south of Russia, at the edge of Krasnodar (figure 1). The photographs were taken in 2005. I assume they are affiliated with the FSR, but have few details about the the importance of the national association at this time.


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Created: 4:54 PM 7/17/2005
Last updated: 4:54 PM 7/17/2005