United States Boy Scout Events: 1936--Local Events

Figure 1.-- We note a group of Scouts seeing Babe Ruth (1895-1948)off from Pennsylvania Station in New York City. People in the 1930s mostly traveled by train. The Orange Blossom Special, was a noted train carying people to Florida. The Babe went to Florida each year where baseball teans had their spring training camps. Here some Scouts are picture with their hero. There was no bigger sports hero at the time than Babe Ruth.

There were also a range of local events. We note a group of Scouts seeing Babe Ruth (1895-1948)off from Pennsylvania Station in New York City. People in the 1930s mostly traveled by train. The Orange Blossom Special, was a noted train carying people to Florida. The Babe went to Florida each year where baseball teans had their spring training camps. Here some Scouts are picture with their hero. There was no bigger sports hero at the time than Babe Ruth. He had retired from baseball in 1935 just before the photograph was taken. He was still hopeing to become a manager. The Babe who raised in a Catholic orphanage, was not only a phenomenal sports star, but also interested in kids and constantly visiting orphanages and sick kids in hospitals. The caption read, "The Boy Scouts of America presented to Babe Ruth, just before he left Pennsylvania Station, New York, Sunday, January 6, on the Orange Blossom Special of the Seadboard Air Line Railway, for St. Petersburg, Florida, a baseball bat and a golf driver, as he can follow both of his pet sports, and either "Belt Out" or "Drive Out" a few. The Scout Patrol , from the Inwood Section of New York City. The Scouts also presented banquets of roses to Mrs. Ruth and Miss Jukia Ruth who accompanied the Babe South."


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Created: 5:12 AM 2/14/2005
Last updated: 6:45 PM 10/8/2007