French Boy Choir Costumes: Les Petits Chanteurs de Vierge Noire

Figure 1.--
(Les) Petits Chanteurs de la Vierge Noire (The Little Singers of the Black Virgin) sing in a majecting French cathedral. The choir was founded after French colonists in Tunisia had to return to France when Tunisia became independent. The choir today consists of 40 members (between 8 and 25 years) who gather to sing regularly Eucharistie of Sunday, to give concerts and to travel the world at the time of great summer tours. The current director, Pierre Balbous, endeavours to give to the children the concern of well done work in the light of beautiful works, a task which takes its roots in faith. The little singers know that they are the heirs of an old tradition of beauty that they want to share so that "tomorrow all the children of the world sing the peace of God".

French Choirs

To the majestic flambloyance of the France's Middle-Age cathedrals, the response had to be for music an architecture of same dimension. A multitude of children choruses ensuring the songs of religious offices was the most convincing answer. For a long time, these were the only schools of music until Revolution of 1789 dismantled them. It is Pie X, in 1907 who decided to recreate the "manécanteries" (name of the groups of children who joined the monks choruses to sing matines and laudes). The choir founded by Paul Berthier "The Small Singers with the Wood Cross", taken again in 1927 by the dynamic abbot Maillet, was the spearhead of this rebirth. The popular passion this choir encountered, as well as the world tours accomplished, made it possible to disperse at the four corners of our world the wish of Pope Pie X to have "the faithfuls pray on Beauty " and thus to establish bases of a Federation of Small Singers that became largely international.

Origin: The Manecantery of Sands

The Manecantery of Sands was founded by Leon Petit in Tunis which at the time was a French colony. The name of the choir aluded to the sands of the Tunisian desert. The Manecantery of Sands was affiliated with the international federation. Leon Petit returned to France in 1963, when Tunisia gained its independence. (French nationals in North African countries like Tunisia and Algeria returned to France when those countries became independent.)


It was quite naturally that Petit undertook to create another choir when he returned to France. This manecantery preserved the double-traverse cross of the archbishop's palace of Carthage and received the name of the Black Virgin, in reference to the medieval statue of "Our-Lady of Good Rescue" (Notre-Dame-de-Bonne-Délivrance) situated in the cloister of the Sisters of Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve, in the deanery of Neuilly.

Current Choir

Today, " mané " are before all a great family of about 40 members (between 8 and 25 years) who gather to sing regularly Eucharistie of Sunday, to give concerts and to travel the world at the time of great summer tours. The current director, Pierre Balbous, endeavours to give to the children the concern of well done work in the light of beautiful works, a task which takes its roots in faith. The little singers know that they are the heirs of an old tradition of beauty that they want to share so that "tomorrow all the children of the world sing the peace of God" (Mgr. Mallet).

French Text

A la flambloyance majestueuse des cathédrales du Moyen-Âge, devait répondre une architecture de musique empreinte d¹une même dimension. Foisonnement de grandes maîtrises, choeurs d¹enfants assurant les chants des offices religieux, en fut la réponse la plus probante. Longtemps, elles furent les seules écoles de musique jusqu¹à ce que la Révolution les démantèle.

C¹est Pie X, en 1907 qui décida de relancer la création de manécanteries (du nom des groupes d¹enfants qui s¹associaient aux choeurs des moines pour chanter matines et laudes). Celle que fonda Paul Berthier, les Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois, reprise en 1927 par le dynamique abbé Maillet, fut le fer de lance de cette renaissance. L¹engouement populaire qu¹elle connut alors ainsi que les tournées mondiales qu¹elle offrait permirent de disperser aux quatre coins du globe le voeu de Pie X de "faire prier les fidèles sur de la Beauté" et ainsi de poser les bases d'une fédération de Petits Chanteurs devenue largement internationale.

La manécanterie des Sables que Léon Petit avait fondé à Tunis y était déjà affiliée. Lorsque ce dernier revint en France en 1963, c'est tout naturellement qu'il entreprend d'en créer une autre. Cette manécanterie/conserva la croix à double traverse de l'archevêché de Carthage et fut placée sous le vocable de la Vierge Noire, en référence à la statue médiévale de Notre-Dame de Bonne Délivrance présente chez les Soeurs de Saint-Thomas de Villeneuve, installées dans le doyenné de Neuilly.

Aujourd'hui, la "mané" est avant tout une grande famille d'une quarantaine de membres (entre 8 et 25 ans) qui se réunit pour chanter régulièrement l'Eucharistie du dimanche, donner des concerts et parcourir le monde lors de grandes tournées d'été. L'actuel directeur, Pierre Balbous, s'attache à donner aux enfants le souci du travail bien fait au contact de belles oeuvres, un travail qui prend son sens dans la foi. Les petits chanteurs savent qu'ils sont les héritiers d'une longue et belle tradition qu'ils veulent partager, afin que "demain tous les enfants du monde, chantent la Paix de Dieu ..." (Mgr Maillet).

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 5, 2000
Last updated: November 5, 2000