German Easter Celebrations: Osterhase (Easter Bunny)

Figure 1.--The Easter bunny is an important family tradition. The Easter eggs that the children hunt for were of course hidden by the Osterhase (Easter bunny). We also see Easter bunny costume portraits. I'm not sure how common this. These children were ffom Berlin. The portrait looks to have been taken in the 1890s.

The Easter bunny is an important family tradition. The Easter eggs that the children hunt for were of course hidden by the Osterhase (Easter bunny). The Easter bunny comes in the night, hidding a lot of nice things in the garden or in the home. As a result there were also chocolate bunnies to go along with the Easter eggs. We aso see toy bunnies along with the chocolate bunnies. The Easter rabbit is a popular symbol in Germany. Germans tell the children that the Easter rabbit brings the eggs and hides them in houses. We also see Easter bunny costume portraits. I'm not sure how common this.


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Created: 8:14 PM 4/24/2006
Last updated: 8:14 PM 4/24/2006