American Holidays: Memorial Day

Figure 1.-- This family snap shot shows the children all dressed up for Memorial Day, called Decoration Day at the fime. They are all holding flags which was an important part of Memorial Day. The dealer dates the snapshot to 1935. We are not sure if that was a definite date or an estimate. Long white stockings were not common for boys in 1935. We are guessing that the boy is wearing his First Communion suit. Put your cursor on the image for a clearer second snap. The children look to be about 3-8 years old.

Memorial Day began as Decoration Day, meaning the day that Americans decorted the graves of veterns with flowers. They were soldiers lost in war--specifically the Civil War. Until Decoration Day there was no national hoiday to remember veterans. As far as we know, the same situation prevailed in Europe as well. And this did not change until World War I. General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) founded Decoration Day , moved by the many informal events in locl communities around the country. The GAR was the organization for Union Army Civil War veterans. The Confederate organization was the United Confederate Veterans (UCV). Gen. Logan only 3 years after the end of the Civil War proclaimed Decoration Day on May 30 to honor those who died 'in defense of their country during the late rebellion' (1868). After the War informal celebrations were held around the country to honor veterans, in the North on Decoration Day. It should be understood that the Civil War was a catacclysmic event. Some 0.7 million lot their lives during the Civil War, comparable to the combined World War I and II war dead and America was a much smaller country at the time. Celebrating May 30 was initially a northern event. Gen. James Garfield, a future president, gave a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, on the first Decoration Day. Then 5,000 participants proceeded to decorate the graves of the more than 20,000, mostly Union Union veterans buried in the cemetery. It is not clear why May 30 was chosen. Some say because no imortant battle occurred on thst day. Other becaus the flowers were most available in late May. Gradually local communities began organizing Memorial Day observations. At first Southern states began observing Confederate Memorial Day on different days. After World War I (1914-18), Americans began to honor the dead of all of America’s wars. This only increased the acceptance of Decoration Day as a national holiday with observation becoming more common in the South as it was no longer seen as just honoring Union veterans. In Europe Armistice Day, a kind of decoration day was observed on November 11, the say of the World War I Armistice. It was not until 1971 that Congress made it an official national holiday, changing the name to Menorial Day nd the date to last Monday in May. Ober time the holiday came to be celebrated by plaving a small American flag on each grave. The president or vice president gives a speech at Arlingtion Cemetry and lays a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


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Created: 8:49 PM 12/27/2018
Last updated: 12:24 PM 12/30/2018