Australian School Marching Bands: Pleasant Street School

Figure 1.--The Pleasant Street School, in Geelong had a boys band. It was a relatively small band. We know little about the school, but it looks to be a state school. Again the band looks to be a marching band.

The Pleasant Street School, in Geelong had a boys band. It was a relatively small band. We know little about the school, but it looks to be a state school. Again the band looks to be a marching band. The portrait is undated, but looks to have been taken in the 1930s. The school does not seem to have a uniform. Some boys wear suits while others just sweaters. Most of the boys, but not all, have ties. Most of the boys wear short pants and kneesocks, but one boy wears knickers. The intruments are ll brass instruments and two drums. These are the instuments most commonly associated with a marching band.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 30, 1998
Last updated: November 30, 2002