Australian School Marching Bands: Beechworth School

Figure 1.--This is the Beechworth Schhol band about 1930. It looks to be a marching band, but the boys wear their school uniform, although thee appears to be some variations.

We also note that the Beechworth School had a boys band. It was a rather small band, perhaps the school was very smll. Again we know nothing about the school, but the band looks to be a marching band. The portrait was taken about 1930. I'm not sue if there was a school uniform here. The boys in the front wear similar looking suit and choll kneesocks. Moany of the other boys wear lighter-colored suit , many with open collars. The instruments are all brass instruments used by marching bands. Interestingly, the boys are pictured in front of a hospital rather than thir school. Pehaps they were playing a benefit, but a brass marching band seems rather a strange choice for a hosiptal--certainly not quiet soothing music.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: November 30, 1998
Last updated: November 30, 2002