Boys' Set Band Costumes: Specialized Instrumentation

Figure 1.--The boys in this children's accordian band wear similar outfits. Most of the boys are wearing dark colored short pants, although without suit jackets. Unfortunately the poor quality image does not permit a more detailed assessment.

Often these bands had a specialized group of instruments or event restricted to one single instrument. A specialized group of instruments might, for example, be a brass band with all brass instruments. Examples of a single instrument band might be an all-accordian band. These are usually not elaborately uniformed groups, although the band members might wear similar suits or other coordinated outfits. Bands are different from other musucal groups, like ensembles, primarily by the size of the group.

Some individual band noted by the authors include:

Accordion Band

An children's accordian band appeared on NBC television in the early 1950s. I would guess the band was based in New York City. At this time I know nothing about the band or the show on which they were appearing. The children look to be pre-teenagers, about 9-12 years of age. Unfortuntalely the photograph is no bery clear. Most of the boys wears white shirts, ties, dark short pants, various types of socks (mostly dark socks), and black leather shoes. The number of boys conforming to these guidlines suggest it was a band rule which the organizers enforced. It it had been left to the boys and their oarents, not such a large number of American boys at this age would have worn dress shorts. Given the instrument was the accordian, it is possible that many of the boys were from Polish and other ethnic communities. This might also affected the number of boys wearing shoprt pants.

Christopher Wagner

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Created: April 7, 2000
Last updated: April 7, 2000