** individual English parks : Heaton Park

Individual English Parks: Heaton Park

Figure 1--This Jewish family is boating in Heaton Park. Heaton Park is one of the best known English parks outside of London. It is Britain's largest family park with a range of activities for people of all ages.

Heaton Park is one of the best known English parks outside of London. It is Britain's largest family park. Heaton is owned and operated by the Manchester City Council. It is located outside of the city proper, 4 miles to the south. The City Council has set up an agency to manage the park--Manchester Leisure. They work with a range of commercial organisations and community groups. One of the most popular facility with children is the Animal Centre with three resident alpacas. The Park has facilities for groups to hold meetings and events. The park is centered on Heaton Hall, a magnificent 18th century mannor house, the seat of the Egerton family. The home has many interesting feature, including a charming Orangery. And like all important country homes, there are beautiful grounds and gardens as well as a lake for boating. Manchester Leisure organizes all kinds of special events like astronomy evenings. There are many different children's activities as well as dramatic and musical programs. It is easily acceable through both the motorway network and Metrolink.


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Created: 8:39 PM 8/29/2011
Last updated: 8:39 PM 8/29/2011